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时间:2015-08-30 19:01来源:未知 作者:Doctor001 点击:
一项灵长类研究表明,来自猪的胚胎组织在经过移植后可以在宿主体内生长成整个胰腺。Gil Hecht及其同事提出,利用胚胎胰腺而非成人胰腺可以帮助宿主发育出该器官,并让血管网渗透到其中,这可以减少针对外来组织的免疫反应的强度。 猪的器官长久以来被考虑用于
一项灵长类研究表明,来自猪的胚胎组织在经过移植后可以在宿主体内生长成整个胰腺。Gil Hecht及其同事提出,利用胚胎胰腺而非成人胰腺可以帮助宿主发育出该器官,并让血管网渗透到其中,这可以减少针对外来组织的免疫反应的强度。
PNAS May 11, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0812253106
Embryonic pig pancreatic tissue for the treatment of diabetes in a nonhuman primate model
Gil Hechta,1, Smadar Eventov-Friedmana,1, Chava Rosena, Elias Shezena, Dalit Tchorsha, Anna Aronovicha, Enrique Freudb, Hana Golana, Ronit El-Hasidc, Helena Katchmana, Bernhard J. Heringd, Amnon Zunge, Zipi Kra-Ozf, Pninit Shaked-Mishanf, Alex Yusimg, Alex Shtabskyh, Pavel Idelevitcha, Ana Tobari, Alon Harmelinj, Esther Bachar-Lustiga and Yair Reisnera,2
Xenotransplantation of pig tissues has great potential to overcome the shortage of organ donors. One approach to address the vigorous immune rejection associated with xenotransplants is the use of embryonic precursor tissue, which induces and utilizes host vasculature upon its growth and development. Recently, we showed in mice that embryonic pig pancreatic tissue from embryonic day 42 (E42) exhibits optimal properties as a β cell replacement therapy. We now demonstrate the proof of concept in 2 diabetic Cynomolgus monkeys, followed for 393 and 280 days, respectively. A marked reduction of exogenous insulin requirement was noted by the fourth month after transplantation, reaching complete independence from exogenous insulin during the fifth month after transplantation, with full physiological control of blood glucose levels. The porcine origin of insulin was documented by a radioimmunoassay specific for porcine C-peptide. Furthermore, the growing tissue was found to be predominantly vascularized with host blood vessels, thereby evading hyperacute or acute rejection, which could potentially be mediated by preexisting anti-pig antibodies. Durable graft protection was achieved, and most of the late complications could be attributed to the immunosuppressive protocol. While fine tuning of immune suppression, tissue dose, and implantation techniques are still required, our results demonstrate that porcine E-42 embryonic pancreatic tissue can normalize blood glucose levels in primates. Its long-term proliferative capacity, its revascularization by host endothelium, and its reduced immunogenicity, strongly suggest that this approach could offer an attractive replacement therapy for diabetes. (责任编辑:Doctor001)